Usually this post would be scheduled beforehand, so it would pop up ready-formed at 6 am sharp Friday morning – the better to catch you before your day gets crazy. But, now that I’ve added yoga into my weekly schedule, it’s interfering with my usual Friday post-prep timeslot. Hm. I’ll need to think about how to rearrange things. My abs, however, would prefer I just stop this yoga nonsense. I’m going to ignore them for now.
Meanwhile, round about the internet this week:
- If you make this, you’ll have to shake it all day long! via Oh Oh Blog
- Dream big, but start small for the littles with a cardboard sewing machine. via Little Red Window
- Let’s start the kids young with these science books! via Modern Parents Messy Kids
- If I made these, I’d just want to pet them all day, you too? via Fall for DIY
- Roller. Skate. Pinata. I don’t need to say anything else. via Oh Happy Day
- How to keep your family occupied? An Etch-A-Sketch Coffee Table. via Make
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