Spring break. Who’s bright idea was that anyway? In theory, I suppose it’s pretty awesome. But not so much for the parents who get to stay home all week with the kiddos? If you’re in college, hey, more power to you. Go find your way south and have a blast. That was never my idea of fun either, but I can see it’s appeal. However, all in all, by the end of the week, we’re all worn out, tired, burnt out, and really really ready for school to start again, am I right? I love my Birdie dearly, but we’re getting stir crazy, people. Send cookies.
Meanwhile, round about the internet:
- You need to see this new Ikea collab just for the photos. via We Are Scout
- I just love these floral installations. via Trendland
- A room full of galaxies is possible after all. via So Super Awesome
- Pastels done the right way. via Buy Modern Baby
- Cutest little woodland mobile for babies! via Project Nursery
- These guys always do photos right. via Little Gatherer
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