round about: crocheted homes & cardboard pac mans

by mari

Top Links online this week include crocheted house, desktop wallpapers, kids lunch ideas, pac man diy game, animal pencil toppers diy, and mid century planter diy.

Our biggest claim to fame this week was our also our summer’s last hurrah: the Minnesota State Fair. I’ve been fighting a cold, and I wasn’t sure I even wanted to go. But we all made it in one piece, had lots of food, went down the biggest slide, saw the parade, and generally had a good time. In fact, my legs aren’t working correctly today. Oh, woe is me and my fair-going ways! The end of my summer is going out with a whimper now.

Meanwhile, round about the internet:

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1 Villas in Kottayam July 24, 2024 at 9:10 am

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