dinner round the table

by mari

My husband and I are in the throes of highchair shopping. So many choices, some of which look amazing, some of which look horrible, and a whole bevy of options in-between. This is one of those purchases that will be with us for a significant amount of time, which is reducing my quick decision-making ability to nil. We’re both leaning towards the Stokke Tripp Trapp – what a sign of the high-design times when you can actually find this on the Babies’R’Us website.
Plus there are the color options – I want blue, and he wants walnut. And the accessories required: chair pad, baby support seat, and I suppose a floor mat or other food catcher system.
The bigger issue here is our dinner habits. As two busy working adults, we haven’t had dinner at a table in many years – well, at least not at our table. We both want to start a family dinner tradition, but it’s going to be an adjustment of mammoth proportions. The Tripp Trapp would force us to change because it does not have a tray table. But is that shooting us in the foot, er, table? Aren’t there going to be times when she’ll be happiest sitting in the chair while I’m preparing dinner or some other lovely housewifey task?
Maybe the biggest question here is actually my role as SAHM. Can I handle my sudden promotion to Housewife?

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