techie games just for your toddler

by mari

I’m having some internal debate about computers and my 1 year old. Obviously she will be on a laptop long before I ever was when I was a kid. It’s an entirely different generation we’re nurturing. But, like TV, I’m still a bit leery of computers and very young kids. Plus, once she realizees that she’s allowed to play with it? I don’t think I’ll ever get to use it again! Then I saw this super kid’s website, KneeBouncers. It’s geared exactly to a toddler’s more limited cause and effect play habits. And, even better, they now have an iPhone app! I seem to have less hangups with her playing with my iPhone than with my computer. Peek-a-bouncer takes one of my favorite KneeBouncers online games and creates a very simple, effective, and mesmerizing iPhone app for Birdie. The actions are super-easy for both web and iphone: the only interaction required is a lot of hitting and touching. Sound familiar? Yep, that’s what my tot does ALL day long.

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1 Toddler Games May 14, 2010 at 7:03 am

Cool, I was not aware that Knee Bouncers ported a game to the Iphone I need to look into this as well.

Creating games for toddlers is a challenge with limited time spans of attention so creating toddler games takes a considerable amount of attention from experience with your own kids..


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