who needs a nose anyway

by mari

new P'kolino Plump Wooden Stacking Toy

There’s really no way around it, I’ve got a schnozz. My nose is legendary. I think there may have been a boy in middle school who called me “The Beacon” because of it, but I’ve blocked that from my memory. (Jamie Wevley, I’m speaking to you) But I’ve learned to love it, I’ve learned I’d rather have a unique nose and face than look like everyone else. It may have taken at least 25 years or so to come to that conclusion, but after that I’ve been ok with what I now call my Classical Grecian Profile. My daughter, on the other hand, could care less. She literally forgets I have a nose. Like this weekend when she BROKE my NOSE. Well, I thought so at the time at least. She leaned over for a hug and head-butted me instead. My husband and I both heard a crunch. My nose bled for about 5 minutes. The headache lasted for 2 days. Ugh. And I admit, for a brief moment, I thought this might be my chance for a nose job. Luckly, in the end, things seem ok. Swelling is gone, I can breathe just fine, no rainbow of colors across the center of my face, and I still love my nose just as it is.

That was a very long-winded round about way to say that I like toys without noses. So do  the designers at P’kolino who designed this adorable Plump Stacker sans nose. Who needs one anyway? He looks pretty damn cute without one. P’kolino’s new line of toys this year is stellar, I could (and probably will) feature every single one of them. But this stacker has some unique features that I really enjoy – like the 8 grey felt add-ons, particularly the cape! Each piece can stack either direction for more characters, and the bright colors hide the fact that it’s made of sturdy wood. I wish I could convince myself that we need him, but since we already have two stackers (one of them is actually from P’kolino!) I suppose I better just showcase it here instead?

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Helen June 2, 2010 at 10:11 am

Love, love. Great post, beautiful toys.


2 Miz Big June 2, 2010 at 3:54 pm

Thanks Helen! Glad you approve!


3 emily June 2, 2010 at 12:33 pm

as usual love anything with felt!


4 Miz Big June 2, 2010 at 3:55 pm

Emily, I’m totally the same way. Felt makes my world go round. In College, my art professors nicknamed me the Felt Addict, I used it in every sculpture.


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