Old Made New Again

by Chris

Orisinal Classic Online Games
Once you have children, rediscovering long-forgotten interests during your play sessions is practically a weekly occurrence. Whether it’s remembering how much you love to color with crayons, or build sand castles, or catch bugs and put them in Mason jars, as parents we get to constantly relive a bit of the joy from our past. My most recent flashback was, when trying to find some simple computer games for my boys to play, remembering the super-addictive and amazingly beautiful games at Orisinal: Morning Sunshine. Now Orisinal certainly wasn’t around when I was a child, but it’s definitely something I once loved and forgot about for quite a long time.

Orisinal: Morning Sunshine was started in 2000 by California artist Ferry Halim as a place he could tinker around with his creations while simultaneously sharing them with the public. Now, ten years later, he still maintains the site and occasionally adds new content. I can’t remember how I originally heard about Orisinal, but I know it was around 2001 when I first fired up one these ridiculously cute games. I played them feverishly over a few weeks, and then, like so many things on the interwebs, I moved on and never went back.

Now that I have children, I look at this site from a completely new perspective and see an amazing source of children’s entertainment. The imagery is gorgeous, the ethereal soundtracks are soothing, and, for the most part, the game play is simplistic and intuitive. Also, many of Ferry’s creations feature eager and adorable animals that are certain to hold kids’ attention. On top of all that, from a practical standpoint, your children will learn some basic computer skills like mouse usage and interface navigation.

Here’s a few suggestions to get you and your little ones started:

Catch falling apples in Apple Season
Descend the depths of the ocean in The Bottom of the Sea
Capture bumble bees in bubbles with Bumble Bees
Try to keep a ball submerged and on target with Fishball
Chew gum, blow bubbles, and catch bugs in Bugs

I can’t wait to introduce my boys to Orisinal, which I’ll be doing as soon as I beat my high score at Floats!

How about you? What favorite-but-forgotten activity have you recently rediscovered only because of your children?

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Jack August 12, 2010 at 10:42 am

That is awesome. Definitely going to point my three year old this way. She’ll love it.


2 Stephanie August 12, 2010 at 4:59 pm

Ha, I don’t have kids, but that was fun! Those are some beautiful games. Thanks for sharing.


3 Chris August 13, 2010 at 4:46 am

Thanks for the comments guys! Glad you enjoyed the site, it’s a good one!


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