classic birthday garlands any day of the week

by mari

Eco-friendly Reusable Birthday Party Pennant Flag Garland Decor

You know that saying, it’s a small world after all? So true. I was thrilled to find an old colleague of mine pursuing a unique idea in party decor! Hip Hooray brings eco-friendly, reusable pennant banners to your home affordably, stylishly, and with a little flair.

Roger was kind enough to send me a sample of their watercolours garland (seen in the image above). Hip Hooray’s garlands are 80″ of brightly colored super-strong flags in a material similar to those tyvek Fedex envelopes that withstand everything. So that covers the reusable angle – but the feel and look of the material is rich and textured too, very high style. They’ve used a natural colored cording, sewn into each flag for stability, and arrive in a reusable bag. I can see these garlands swinging permanently from your kidlet’s ceiling, or brought out for every birthday, or a rousing game night. These things are versatile. My minimalist self wants the all-white version next (maybe several to coat our dining room for Birdie’s party!), luckily there’s lots of color palettes to choose from. And at only $9.99, you can afford to get several. I may just try stuffing them into the next birthday card I send, they seem the perfect size.

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

1 betsy January 5, 2011 at 8:15 am

Those are cool!


2 Miz Big January 5, 2011 at 8:57 pm

Thanks Betsy, I just love that they’re classic and modern at the same time!


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