guest who? Buy Modern Baby

by mari

Oddhero Educational Art Prints for Kids Nursery Rooms

This week I’m taking a little respite (yeah, ir’s a restful vacation while I focus on toilet training, wish me lots of luck!). Luckily for all of us some of my favorite bloggie pals are here to fill the void with their own finds and stories. We’re kicking off the week with Esther from Buy Modern Baby. She manages an amazing modern design blog and her modern design directory is hands down the best destination for your modern nursery design needs. As of late, I’ve also been extremely jealous of her warm Floridian home! Let’s welcome Esther!

I’m so glad to be here for a visit on one of my favorite daily reads, Small For Big.  On this great occasion I have something fabulous to share with you.  My blogging niche includes design and decor for nurseries and children’s spaces, so I want to show you these wonderful posters from oddhero that are both colorful and educational.

In becoming a parent, I knew that one day I was going to get hit with those questions– the ones that are so basic that you really should know the answer, but you forgot exactly what the right answer is because you haven’t though about it for so long.  I wanted to be the cool, smart parent who had a succinct explanation that would really satisfy and educate my child, but not being an elementary science educator, sometimes the answers escape me.

These prints are part of oddhero’s Color range for curious kids and will cover a few of the basics for you.  You’ve got “Why the sky is blue,” “Why grass is green,” “Why the sun is yellow,” and “Why clouds are white.”

The prints are 8.25″ by 11.75″ and each sell for $40 (including shipping to the US or Canada).

Now where can I get posters explaining gravity, what makes a rainbow, how airplanes stay in the sky, why a volcano erupts….

Make sure to visit Esther’s Buy Modern Baby Product Guides, the Buy Modern Baby Blog, and of course follow her on twitter and facebook!

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Esther March 21, 2011 at 4:12 pm

Good luck with your potty training! Fingers crossed for you- but if it doesn’t work out this time- don’t be afraid to stop and try again later.


2 Miz Big March 21, 2011 at 8:13 pm

hehe, I’m already considering that – she seems less ready for it than I’d hoped. Will keep at it for a couple of days amidst some crafty plans of my own. Either way I’m enjoying the break!


3 Kristy Life n Reflection June 2, 2011 at 8:36 pm

Love her style!


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