Happy Friday everyone! Did you know April follows March? Spring is really coming! And with April, comes some new adevertising initiatives here at Small for Big. Don’t worry, if you’re a loyal reader the only changes you’ll see are more interesting ads and companies gracing the area to your left. If you’re an interesting company, blogger, photographer, etc. and would like to advertise with Small for Big, email me now for rates (mari@smallforbig.com)!
Our big milestone of the week? Birdie has given away all of her nuks to our 6 week old friend, Baby Ayumi. Because clearly babies need nuks more than 2 year old little (BIG) girl. Yesterday was rough, but I’m pleased to say today went more smoothly. Yahoo! Next up? Er, potty training? Anyone have the perfect kernel of wisdom to help me through? I’m so so so not ready.
Let’s ignore my dilemna and look at some great links instead:
- (Image above) This limited edition Fisher-Price sideboard from Raw Edges Design Studio is totally tickling my fancy. If it seems familiar, it matches up with the beautiful reissue of the Fisher Price Classic Record Player. (Warning, we bought the reissue, and it’s not nearly as good as the original or I would have reviewed it here. Read the comments at the amazon link for details as to why) via LMNOP mag.
- I’m always searching for freshly mod baby blankets, this DIY for an eat, play, sleep, repeat quilt is a great option – because that mantra was running through my head constantly for the first several months! Found via Modern Parents Messy Kids.
- Pop Up books are the absolute best kind of children’s books IMHO (but not for the 2 year old in my house, not yet!). This Hansel and Gretel Pop Up Book is minimal and reserved in it’s design – and I need it stat. via Babyology.
- When watching the movie “Up”, did you spend the first half hour trying to decide if it could really be possible to make a house float with only balloons like I did? Well, here’s a video of a house floating with balloons to help us visualize the reality!
- Petite Eco Kids found these eat-em-up cute handmade kawaii inspired denim pants and clothes from Oishi-m – the extra butt patches are a weakness of mine! If they weren’t $59 (AUD) a pair, we’d be buying several to get us through the coming potty training months… So cute.
Don’t forget – enter this week’s Furry Pod Chair Giveaway!
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