step stool antics

by mari

Kikkerland Rhino folding plastic step stool

Do you have a child who wants to help? Not just help, but join in with full-on curiosity and old soul confidence? Birdie has taken to carrying our Kikkerland Rhino Step Stool all over the house, just to be prepared. It may be to help sprinkle cheese on her tacos in the kitchen, or to explore how tall she can be in the middle of the living room floor, or to even practice jumping into the front lawn. No matter what it is, you’ll here her mutter on her breath “I go get stool” and scatter full-tilt down the hallway to our bathroom to grab it by its perfect little handle. Because the step stool folds completely flat – yep, that’s right, flat! – it’s almost too easy for my little 2 year old to pick it up and take it with her. I love it’s slim profile, it just props against the bathroom wall. But the 2 year old perspective is, of course, it’s true portability! (thanks to Peapods for helping us find this stool!)

So, that’s the practical stool. But while I was searching for this little gem over at Crate and Barrel, I also ran into some … less practical options. You know what I mean, less practical, but uber cool. These stools would rock out in her room, or in our “library”, or the bathroom, or anywhere.

The original Kik Step Stool, $64.95

Flamingo Orange Stool (or pink, green, blue, white, etc.), $16.95

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

1 CH July 19, 2011 at 1:07 pm

Oh, I love this (and I love the price)! Your little one seems to be about 6 months ahead of mine, and it is so helpful to see the preview of what is next (and what we’ll need)! We are definitely starting to get into the stool phase. For our space starved condo, this will be just the thing.


2 Miz Big July 19, 2011 at 8:35 pm

I read blogs for the same thing – a peek into what’s coming! I find it surprising how much love I have for this little stool, but it’s just about perfect – it will be great in a condo!


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