This age group is so dear to me, because Birdie will turn 3 a scant thirteen days after Christmas this year. All these I’m-a-big-girl-I-can-do-it-myself things are happening already,
Need other ages? Check out ALL of the Gift Guides, and this year’s Guides in the tab above – that’s 3 years and over 200 toys and gifts for every kid and every holiday!
You’ll also find these gifts in the BRAND NEW handy-dandy SHOP! See that tab at the top of the page? Or click here to SHOP! the toddlers gift guide. The SHOP! will be growing all week long!
1. Areaware Cubebot Medium, $25 -He’s like a low-fi Transformer with much more street cred. This guy would be a great gift for a kid to give their dad too!
2. DwellStudio Stamp Set, $24 – A beautiful stamp set in it’s own box, so maybe all those pieces will stay put? Maybe? Either way, it’s a lovely way to start an arty afternoon.
3. Anna Ballerina Doll from Goodbye Blue Monday, $44 – All of the dolls from this lovely handmade shop are gorgeous, but the ballerina seems extra-Holiday special. (and she’s NOT pink! hehe)
4. Hohner 21″ Wood Ukelele, $39 – If you can handle the beginning sounds of your future virtuoso, this ukelele would be a wonderful starting place!
5. Plan Toys Balancing Cactus, $25 – Birdie is watching me type this, and she says she doesn’t want it, but I beg to differ.
6.Twig (72 Piece Set), $39.99 – This beautiful blocks set is stage 2 in wooden building blocks, with an internal holes and rods combination that allow you to build some very complicated, balanced structures. Gorgeous quality too!
7. Metal Doll Highchair, $49 – Looks like an heirloom, feels like an heirloom, and will be played with constantly. At least at our house it would (okay, you might need to have a little girl in your house).
8. Life-Size Zoo: From Tiny Rodents to Gigantic Elephants, An Actual Size Animal Encyclopedia, $17.95 – Ok, I’ll tell you a little secret, I want this one for me. What a cool concept – to see animals true to scale, and imagine petting their warts and fur and toes.
9. Ogobild, $39.99 – I think this will be on our wish list this year, because Birdie loves blanket forts and our dining room chairs are too top-heavy to be safe! Add blankets and your trusty flashlight and you’re all set.
10. Spooner Board, freestyle, $48 – Got a squirrelly kid and a long winter? Grab this simple skateboard/surfboard/snowboard and work on your balance, sliding, spinning and tricks inside or out.
11. Treehaus 75 piece Wood Castle Block Set, $26.99 – Perfect for your kings and queens, this set has been the poster child of Sunday Newspaper ads from Kohl’s, JCPenney’s, and even Walmart. So you might be able to find a better deal in a local store.
12. Sneaky, Snacky Squirrel Game, $19.99 – This appears to be a little bit like the classic Hi Ho Cherrio, and it’s on the list specifically because it’s aged for 3 years and up (those games are harder to find!). Plus, it’s pretty dang cute,no?
13. We Are a Happy Family Card Game, $16 – This game features sets of 4 cards designed by different illustrators, play it like Go Fish, collecting sets of 4. Gorgeous.
14. Seedling Arts and Crafts Kits, $25.99 – $39.99 – Every single one of the Seedling Kits looks like a blast – all the pieces you need to make classic wooden dolls, kaliedoscopes, super hero capes, and more.
15. Skadaddles Skates, $59.99 – These just scream CHILDHOOD and I can just imagine how cute they’d be on my little one, and yours. Skates fit over your child’s shoes and adjustable brakes (harder when first learning, softer later!).
16. Wall Coaster Ultimate Marble Run, $29.98 – Got a hallway? Good, you’re gonna need it for all of this fun. Reusable adhesive and interchangeable parts let you start simple and grow as your kidlet does – there’s even an add on Stunt Set for next year.
17. Curster’s Yeti, $25 – Curster Plush are the work of a fabulous local Minneapolis designer, and the Yeti series includes four different facial expressions for you to choose from. (And that frosted furry fabric Is. So. Soft.)
18. Taro Gomi’s Play All Day: More Than 100 Punch-Out Pieces!, $19.99 – The illustrations are awesome, but the play value is too with so many different projects crammed into one fancy-pants book.
19. Diggin’ Active Airplanes Box Set, $39.99 – Pack it all up and take it anywhere you’d like, these planes (or cars, or trains) take their play space with them.
Happy Holidays everyone! What’s on your wishlists this year? Share some more great finds in the comments!
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