it’s all in the swing of things

by mari

indoor upholstered swing for kids from Me and U Softline

One day, I will have a swing in my house. It is inevitable. It feels particularly important in the middle of the winter when the act of swinging veers from blissful release to winter survival technique. Perhaps these super simple Me and U upholstered swings will be the winning selection?

In the meantime, I’m getting breathless for weather warm enough that we can unearth our outdoor Ikea swing from storage. Though it has a spot of honor in our yard, maybe one day I can put it in my dream library, like this pic below from The only thing that would make that photo better is knowing the view out the window includes something fantastic (I’d take anything alive and green at this point!)

swinging  rocking chairs
Since I will probably need to win the lottery in order to afford a space big enough to hold all of our crap and have room for an indoor swing, maybe we could just splurge on this beautiful wooden leaf swing. Why? Because conversion rates suggest it costs about $800. Le sigh. What about you? Would you splurge on a swing in your house?


{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

1 pizza stone instructions grill - March 15, 2013 at 9:27 pm

Turn the dough once to coat, then cover the bowl with a damp dishtowel.

If you don’t, then you will have to bake each loaf separately.
It is not like ordinary dough, it is not supposed to be
soft as a baby’s bottom.


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