bounce it on the floor: brinware

by mari

Brinware tempered glass and silicone kid friendly dishes

There’s something so gorgeous about Brinware’s photography that I keep salivating. So, first of all, thank you Mr/s. Product Photographer for creating such awesome product shots! But Brinware is, in and of itself, pretty fascinating.

These kid-friendly dishes are made of glass – but it’s tempered glass. So it’s about as sturdy as you can get without being big bad plastic. Plus, glass is a much safer place to put your food than those nasty plastic dishes that prefer to leach chemicals into everything we eat (and please, oh please, do not put your plastic dishes in the microwave. Ok, stepping off of my soapbox now.) Brinware’s plates can go in the microwave too, by the way! They each come with a silicone sleeve to protect the glass, while keeping them from slipping during mealtimes – which is so important for young eaters.

Brinware also makes placemats, in the same cute characters with an alphabet to boot! Dear Brinware, I hope you’ll be make drinking glasses next?

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1 B JOSSY January 23, 2024 at 12:15 pm

ji crfnwdbjhi nrefvbhi jngefd jcncd vjhg tbefv bjrfnedf
etgefi jnkjt4gfvhebi jntg4eifjjtg54efjntb4gjrfbe ntg rjefnef
tgj4b nt4gb rheft4gn


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