printable valentine coloring pages

by Bar

Valentine Coloring Pages - Easy Printable for Kids - Free Download | Small for Big

I am completely ga-ga over how many utterly adorable Valentine cards there are to download and print on Pinterest. It’s blowing my mind! Mari has some amazing ones here on Small for Big, too, that you must check out. Added to the list today are these sweet & simple coloring pages I made…just for you.

valentine coloring pages {printable} | small for big

These foldable cards are super easy to make. You don’t need fancy paper, colored ink, or even scissors. They each have a loving & thoughtful message that is perfect for grandparents, aunts, uncles, or caretakers (the ones who love our kids as much as we do)!

valentine coloring pages {printable} | small for big

Download here (make sure to choose borderless as your print option):

i love you berry much

you are loved

love is all you need

somebody loves you

Happy Valentine’s Day to you!

xo, Bar

{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Ilse den Besten February 4, 2014 at 5:46 am

So sweet! Now I want to make my own valentine cards too!


2 Bar February 13, 2014 at 2:11 pm

thank you ilse! i hope you were able to make them. happy valentine’s day!


3 Cindy February 10, 2014 at 10:06 am

Great ideas


4 Bar February 13, 2014 at 1:58 pm

thanks cindy :)


5 ogłoszenia malbork April 8, 2016 at 3:45 pm

For greater variety and a more bustling environment, the town of Bastia is a 20-minute drive away along the
coast with restaurants lining its well-developed leisure
port, high fortress, keep and 16th-century bell tower.
And stop at the Uffizi Gallery, one of the best art museums in the
globe, or visit the Academia to view Michelangelo’s David.
In Mexican Folkore, evil sorcerers are believed to be
able to transform themselves into a black dog, in order to prey on the livestock
of their neighbors.


6 Lizzie February 8, 2018 at 3:24 pm

Hi there! I love these cards but for some reason the links aren’t working. Could you send them to my email please?



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