make it: claymation winter wonderland

by mari

Kids Play scene - DIY Play dough activity - Winter wonderland DIY | Small for Big

One more Play Doh craft for all of us over the holidays, and this one is a beauty!

Play Doh claymation winter play scene diy for kids

I had no idea that Play Doh would work so well for claymation-style scenes. We decided to make a little Rudolph-inspired winter wonderland, and then let various plastic animals and creatures from around the house traipse through the forest.

Play Doh claymation winter play scene diy for kids

Of course, even if you don’t have Play Doh (but I’m betting you do), you can use modeling clay or homemade dough as well. But i have to say, the greens and blues from Play Doh look really good together, don’t you think?

Check out all three Play Doh Activities:

Play Doh claymation winter play scene diy for kids Play Doh claymation winter play scene diy for kids

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

1 Khalid Negm June 5, 2024 at 6:10 am

How does this topic intersect with environmental concerns?


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