a chair to clear your mental clutter

by mari

Design Public Modern Offi Kapsule Toy Storage Kids Chair

humunuh-humunuh-humunuh-humunuh. Ok. Let’s be frank. (I prefer Frank to, say, Clyde) It’s suddenly the start of a new week and my brain is stuck back in a summer Saturday afternoon. I gave myself permission (LOVE being my own boss sometimes, just sometimes) to not think much this weekend. But then I tried to play catch-up all at once in one evening. So. I’m writing this post Sunday night, at 10:45 PM, and I’ve really got a whole bunch of nothing in my brain but mothballs and some shadows of food images from the freelance gig designing kids nutrition books which I stopped abruptly in mid-thought so I could get you a fresh as oranges post which in turn would help you give my blog a little love. Run-on sentences are a sign of tiredness, I think.

Fear not. Because I do have something up my sleeve. Like this lovely Offi Kapsule Chair from Design Public for a mere $49. Metaphorically, I could use about 23 1/2 of these in my brain to keep my head organized. Realistically, one of these lovelies in our living room might help contain the ever-growing chaos. No one was able to convince me that kids + toys are like bunny rabbits. They multiply. And all those HGTV shows keep trying to tell me that clutter around you equals clutter in your head. So. Yeah, let’s fix that shall we?

{ 8 comments… read them below or add one }

1 emily July 26, 2010 at 11:09 am

can you store stuff in it?


2 Miz Big July 26, 2010 at 4:29 pm

Yep – the back of the chair is an opening so you can fill it with all of your little one’s goodies!


3 Brita July 26, 2010 at 3:34 pm

I need something like this that gobbles up clutter, as well. But, as it is my wont, I rather seek to clutter my brain with the Other and Different and Brighter and More Fun. Very curious to know more about your nutrition book project!


4 Miz Big July 26, 2010 at 4:34 pm

Oh my, nutrition books. It’s an ongoing project for a local company that primarily sells educational materials to schools, etc. I’m having a blast actually – but sometimes keeping all the minutia straight gives me mighty headaches – 80+ images for each of the 14 8-page booklets. I’m loving the end results though, so it’s worth it!


5 Cassie July 26, 2010 at 4:59 pm

Why can’t they make adult furniture this clever? Some days I wish I could drop everything into a slot and be done with it. Oh wait, I guess it’s called a garbage can! Feels like I just did a spring purge, maybe it’s time for a summer one.


6 Miz Big July 26, 2010 at 6:10 pm

Is everyone feeling the summer heat and converting it into a need for a clean, spare, airy house? Spring cleaning, Part Deux.
Otherwise I could easily turn into one of those people with a permanent storage unit somewhere else full of things I just can’t part with. Sigh. Packrats Unite!


7 LZ July 26, 2010 at 5:05 pm

I love this chair!!! It would seriously solve so many of my living room issues…


8 Miz Big July 26, 2010 at 6:11 pm

That’s what I’m thinking, and the price is pretty tempting too.


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