a dollhouse for your children’s gorillas

by mari

Our Children's Gorilla Eco Modern DollhouseO

Our Children’s Gorilla is one of those uber, too cool for school kids brands that are fun to covet, but not always affordable. That’s why I haven’t shown you this gorgeous A-Frame Simplicity of a Dollhouse, because I refuse to highlight things I wouldn’t be willing to purchase myself (and at $250, the A-frame definitely qualifies as too high). But some gorillas are more equal opportunity than you’d think, as you can see in these perfectly eco-modern dollhouses above, selling for a mere $35. They’re also very egalitarian as far as gorillas go, because they’ve chosen to showcase a firehouse and a brownstone. Versus, say, a gingerbread house with pink flower trim. So all in all, I’m in love. Though I wish they were wood instead of cardboard. But can I admit something? The craftier (and that’s a double entendre, I don’t use that word lightly) side of me can imagine finding the perfect cardboard box, shipped on an overseas journey full of just-so items from my favorite as-yet-to-be-found british shop. Then, taking said box, and creating my own brownstone masterpiece. Maybe with a dash of coffee shop chic in the other corner, and an artists’ garret in the roof. What? Inspiration is the sincerest form of flattery. (A prhase I only employ when used in reference to others’ work, I’m such a hypocrite).

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Desiree Fawn August 3, 2010 at 8:19 am

These are fabulous!!


2 Dahan August 4, 2010 at 1:36 pm

Very nice!


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