I just couldn’t wait! This year Birdie – who’s real name is Wren – will be known only as:
The Winged Wren. Kapow! Shazam! Hi-yah!
I had some vague intentions of creating our own no-sew costume out of cut out fleece and maybe some glue. Lucky for me, a good friend suggested a different approach. My big ideas met up with Amy Sather and the rest is history. Amy’s got some mad sewing skills, and we had a blast choosing the fabrics together. I gave her some measurements, my crazy ideas, and days later we got this amazing cape, belt, arm bands, ankle bands, and winged barrettes for her hair. We wanted the pieces to be adjustable enough to fit her past Halloween. I was lucky enough to have the T-shirt from appaman, the leggings, and a spare pair of bloomers!
For a price range of around $40 – 60 – prices may vary more depending on your ideas – Amy will design and make whatever you’re dreaming of (well, an invisibility cloak may be tough, but it never hurts to ask). Amy’s looking for more custom costume opportunities for this year’s Halloween and beyond. Her website is still in progress, so please leave a comment below and I’ll put the two of you in touch!
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Love it. Custom costumes are a fantastic idea. A parent can work with their child to dream up the perfect costume. Send me more info when you get a chance.
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Thanks Vincent – I agree with you, plus, you’re not stuck with all the licensed crap that’s out there.
I just emailed you with Amy’s contact info – good luck!
Awesome!! This is such a great idea for those parents who work hard to instill creativity and originality within their own children and within their everyday lives. Bonus–these pieces can be used for “playing pretend” for years to come. : ) Love it!!
I’m so excited to use the pieces for some pretend play going forward – thanks again Sam for getting me and Amy together!
How in the world are you photographing? The image is so crisp! (And cute! Can’t wait to see it on!)
Well thank god you think the pictures look good! It’s only thanks to my secret weapon: photoshop. I should show you the hideous way they started – lying on white paper on the coffee table in the basement, with nooo lighting. (I’d planned on getting pics of Wren wearing it, but … well. We’ll blame the teething on her attitude)
I LOVE IT!!!! Wren’s lucky to have such a creative mama.
A Mama with creative friends and connections too!
That! Is awesome! Want! My 5 year old wants to be a ladybug and I’m pretty certain her vision includes a red tutu just like the Old Navy version…. Sigh.
Thanks! I think that’s why I went with Superhero this year – Wren can’t complain so vocally just yet! At least she wants a red tutu and not a baby pink one?
Can you send me her details?!
Could you forward Amy’s contact information or a link to her website if she has one? I’ve been searching for weeks for something custom like this for my nephew for Christmas. Thank you so much.
I know this is an old post but was hoping to get the info on this awesome costume…wanted to get some dress up outfits and this is so cool! Thank you!
Sure, I’ll send you Amy’s address right now!
ok I want one so bad lol…. :) :) pretty please… I know that you posted this a while ago… but is she still making them?
I’ve sent you Amy’s address!
I also know this is an old post but was hoping to get the info on this CUTE costume… I was looking for this type costume for my two year old for halloween!! Can you please send info on where to buy?
Amy’s still available for costumes – I hope you got the email I sent you!
OK, this is amazing. I wanted to make my little guy into a super hero too but lack the sewing skills. Please pass along Amy’s contact details – if she isn’t too swamped already with orders!
Hi Carla, I’ve emailed you, hope you got in touch with Amy!
can I get her info??? too darling hope she can still take orders
I’ve sent you an email!
This is too cute…can you please pass along her info for orders? Thanks so much!
Just sent you an email!
Can I get her info too please? Love this!
Am I way too late? Would LOVE this costume!
Would love this! Am I way too late?
Hi Ali, I just emailed you!
Hi! i absolutely adore this costume and just happened to find you through pinterest. I see that this post is fairly old but was wondering if you could give me any information about how to get in contact with Amy or if by now she has a website up and running! Thanks so much..Ps. I love your blog
HI Brittni, I just emailed you!
I just love this costume! Do you have Amy’s info? I would love to get in touch with her about a costume for my little lady! Thanks!
Hi Theresa, I’ll forward it to you now!
I would also love to spin an idea like this but lack the time and a sewing machine. If you could pass Amy’s information along I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!
I’ve just emailed you Tracy – have fun!
Can I have Amy’s information as well? Been looking ALL over for an awesome costume and this is the cutest ever. Love the work.
PS – your little one is adorbs!
I saw this on Pinterest and I am smitten! I want to do something for my two year old and I really, really dislike all that limited gender crap that is peddled to our girls. Plus she a rad little chic and a super hero is more her speed. Unfortunately I can barely sew on a button so I need some help. I would love some more info about this and how I may go about having one made for The Super Weaser!
This is possibly the best thing I’ve ever seen, your wee girl looks amasing!
Any chance you could forward me Amy’s email?
Hope she’s still in business! Would love her contact info.
I am OBSESSED! My little boy says he wants to be super Carter for Halloween! Please tell me she still makes these!
I am hoping to find someone to make a superhero costume for my grandson for Christmas. Could I get contact info please?
Thank you.
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