your kids’ quotes forever

by mari

Numsi Custom Kids Quote Wood and Canvas Modern Nursery Decor Wall Art Panels

I’ve always loved Numsi’s beautiful modern wall art panels – if you haven’t seen them yet, make sure to go to to find the sneaky custom secret message art panels, animal art panels, pattern art panels, vehicles art panels, and limited edition text art panels. Phew. That’s a mouthful of goodness. The images are awesome, but the uber thick wood frames and canvas surfaces are gorgeous too. But wait, there’s more! (gesturing open-palmed towards door #3)

Now Helen is starting a new line of custom kids’ quote art panels. And they’re in a new size – rectangular, all the better to hold your longest quotes. She’s running a great contest to get things going! Gather up all of your kids’ funniest, sweetest, coolest quotes ever and enter them over at numsi to win a custom art panel of your very own – featuring that best ever quote. Who will choose the 3 winners? Gabrielle Blair, the one and only Design Mom. If nothing else, click over to the numsi contest page to read all the entries, I’ve been snorting and guffawing over here!

So far, the best Birdie quote I’ve entered is:

What would you like for dinner?
– Cheese!
Cheese and what?
– A Plate!

But I’m putting on my biggest listening ears to catch some more doozies before the July 31st deadline.  Good luck everyone!

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Helen July 25, 2011 at 8:42 pm

Thanks so much Mari, this is fab!!!


2 Miz Big July 25, 2011 at 10:31 pm

I <3 Numsi!!!


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